Sustainability at BRUGG

“Holistic sustainability means nothing other than responsibility lived out throughout the company at all levels. For the benefit of the generations of today and tomorrow.”
Dr. Stephan Wartmann, CEO BRUGG Group

We understand sustainability as corporate management geared to long-term success that strives for the careful use of all resources employed to satisfy the needs of the generations of today and tomorrow. BRUGG pursues a holistic sustainability strategy that considers all three components – environmental, social, and governance (ESG). BRUGG developed three programs to implement the ESG areas.

In 2022, BRUGG laid the foundations for implementing sustainability and carried out the first pilot projects. The insights gained will flow into the sustainability strategy, the Group-wide implementation of which will be launched in 2023. For fiscal year 2023, BRUGG will publish a comprehensive sustainability report for the first time. In doing so, we will be guided by globally recognized reporting standards (in particular GRI) and the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 and its SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

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BRUGG environment covers the ecological dimension. We measure our corporate carbon footprint, set ambitious targets and plan a step-by-step reduction of CO2 emissions. From 2025, BRUGG aims to be climate neutral in terms of directly controlled emissions and those from purchased energy (Scope 1 and 2). In the long term, BRUGG takes all emission categories into account and aims to achieve net zero by 2050 (Scope 1, 2 and 3).


We focus on the following topics:

  • Group-wide climate accounting and CO2 targets: As part of its first sustainability reporting, BRUGG is conducting a comprehensive, Group-wide climate accounting (corporate carbon footprint) based on the globally recognized GHG Protocol standard. This balance sheet will serve as the basis for decisions on the definition of ambitious climate targets.
  • Measures to reduce CO2: In addition to standard reduction measures in its operations, BRUGG also focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through product innovations.
  • CO2 compensation: To compensate for (as yet) unavoidable, self-generated emissions (Scope 1 and 2), we will support internationally certified and verified carbon removal projects in cooperation with external partners.
  • With our products such as district heating pipes or cable systems for e-mobility, we make a significant contribution to more sustainable infrastructure solutions and services. Read more at: The contribution of our products and infrastructure solutions to a more sustainable society.

2025: Climate neutral
Consideration of caused emissions under own control (Scope 1 & 2)

2050: Net-Zero
Consideration of all emissions (Scope 1, 2 & 3)

Interim goals in evaluation

Contribution of our products and infrastructure solutions to a more sustainable society

BRUGG balance encompasses the social dimension of sustainability. We attach great importance to the occupational safety, health and well-being of our employees. Diversity and support for training and continuing education are equally high priorities.

We focus on the following topics:

Occupational safety and health
  • Safety and health: BRUGG relies on safe production facilities to prevent accidents. For physical health, we offer voluntary, free preventive measures and examinations. The mental health of our employees is also close to our hearts. To this end, we promote well-being in the workplace through appropriate measures and monitor this by means of a team barometer.
  • Working conditions: We support flexible working hours, part-time stints, and home office as needed and possible.
High quality education and training
  • Training: The future generation is important to us, which is why we offer apprenticeships for various professions as well as internships.
  • Continuing education: We offer our employees individual continuing education opportunities based on need and interest. We also promote continuing education with free access to LinkedIn Learning.
Fair working conditions and opportunities for all
  • Equal opportunities: BRUGG is committed to fair employment procedures and supports career development according to objective criteria. We treat people equally regardless of their gender, age, nationalities or cultural background.
  • And even more balance: We strive for a balanced ratio between older and younger employees as well as between people of any gender.

Note: BRUGG also wants to measure itself quantitatively in the social area. Corresponding key figures are in preparation.

BRUGG governance includes responsibility along the value chain, principles and measures for decent work, and compliance with laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate. We insist on legal compliance, honesty and fairness in business. Compliance guidelines, data protection and information security complete the program.


We focus on the following topics:

Responsible supply chains and local economic growth
  • Human rights, child and forced labor: BRUGG is committed to respecting human rights and does not tolerate child or forced labor. In this regard, we rely on internal instructions and close cooperation with our suppliers.
  • Local production: We establish local production sites and thus create local jobs. In this way, we promote the local economy.
  • “At arm’s length” principle: Supplies of services and goods between Group companies are made at arm’s length.
Integral business activity and compliance
  • Conflicts of interest: We avoid conflicts of interest and, in the event of one, disclosure and objective review are carried out.
  • Antitrust law: We are committed to fair, open competition in our markets and distance ourselves from anti-competitive practices.
  • Bribery and corruption: Bribery and corruption is illegal and the opposite of everything we stand for. BRUGG does not tolerate corruption and bribery of any kind.
  • Data protection and information security: We stand up for the protection against improper processing of personal data and the right to informational self-determination. Information security is an important success factor at BRUGG. We maintain a security-conscious approach to information and take measures against cyberattacks.
Note: BRUGG also wants to measure itself quantitatively in the economic field. Corresponding key figures are in preparation.


Trust and credibility are core values of the BRUGG Group. To ensure these values, it is important that the company and its employees comply with the law. Within the framework of compliance, the BRUGG Group has an independent, external office for receiving and processing reports of qualified grievances in the workplace, namely illegal business practices such as bribery, corruption, money laundering, violations of anti-trust law, accounting offenses, conflicts of interest, and export control violations.

Employees of the BRUGG Group as well as third parties may submit reports to the Reporting Office if they identify a qualified grievance or if there are indications that in good faith suggest a qualified grievance.

The Reporting Office shall preserve the identity of the Reporting Person. This is subject to any statutory provisions or court orders requiring the Reporting Office to disclose the identity.

Walder Wyss AG
Seefeldstrasse 123
Postfach 1236
CH-8034 Zurich

Phone: +41 (0) 58 658 51 66 (served from 08.00 to 20.00 CET; during non-served hours, a voice mail can be left).

The Reporting Office accepts reports in German and English. It endeavors to process the reports of the whistleblowers quickly. The aim is to issue a confirmation to the whistleblower within 7 days.

Message from the CEO
